VPN : Pool of Digital Projects

Vivier de Projets Numériques (VPN, meaning Pool of Digital Projects in French) is a European project of the Erasmus+ programme aiming at putting digital technology at the service of youth associations’ projects.
Coordinated by Animafac (French association) and built with Actions Média Jeunes (Belgian association), EPMA (Czech association) and Hello Asso (ethical French company) over two years, this project produced five intellectual productions to promote the understanding of digital technology by young people involved:

Each of these productions is linked to resources to create training frameworks and workshops organised by each of the associations in order to disseminate the project and the tools produced to young people and trainers. Finally, an international training course was organised to allow an intercultural exchange and why not, new collaborations between young people from different countries.

Partenaires du projet

Logo Hello Asso
Logo Action médias Jeunes